THATCamp | Susan Garfinkel | Activity Activity feed for Susan Garfinkel. Thu, 20 Feb 2020 22:23:31 +0000 en 30 hourly 2 74b42af1ab6b82ad8f48d702ce7a5831-en Susan Garfinkel wrote a new post, Session Proposal: Impromptu data workshop?, on the site THATCamp AHA 2018 Tue, 02 Jan 2018 21:48:29 +0000 I wonder if it wouldn’t be interesting to just pick a data set and try, collaboratively, to learn something from it? It would be interesting to see how others approach a problem from the process perspective: which […]

8da49b3b3f19daf617b2b581eccfc0cc-en Susan Garfinkel wrote a new post, beyond the big tent: some starting thoughts, on the site THATCamp Prime 2015 Thu, 25 Jun 2015 17:28:56 +0000 all, i won’t be able to join you until friday after lunch, so i’ll miss the initial planning session (i may be able to check in on twitter for parts of the morning). i also don’t have a fully-fleshed-out proposal […]

21ae9491053047725f07fc3e20da44ef-en Susan Garfinkel wrote a new post, Session Proposal: Visualization, on the site THATCamp AHA 2015 Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:54:00 +0000 This session will take place from 3:30-4:20pm in the Theresa Lang Auditorium (202), 55 W 13th Street

This is an unformed suggestion written as I sit here in the visualization session in the last AHA time slot […]

45f5dddfb82e2a505a6b8cb42982f7ef-en Susan Garfinkel wrote a new post, (just a topic) Making / History Kits, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 Sun, 05 Jan 2014 05:08:51 +0000 I’m realizing it’s been three days of AHA and I haven’t heard a thing about 3D printing or hardware hacking or making or the physical side of the digital turn. Wanna talk about this and the implications for […]

fe4cb7d1d79f335a411d8b7e95f51f37-en Susan Garfinkel wrote a new post, Higher Ed Instruction and Collaboration w/ GLAMS?, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 Sun, 05 Jan 2014 05:00:17 +0000 If others are interested, I’d like to brainstorm some ways that historians who teach at the college or grad level might be interested in collaborating with GLAMS–that is galleries, libraries, archives and […]

76fa6662b9ba35064e1b8b3c7ba5f78e-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, (Talk) Data visualizations: What works and what doesn't?, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 Sat, 04 Jan 2014 18:07:36 +0000 I’m definitely interested in this, and also the other side of the problem: Does the way you construct your data set affect the kind of visualization you can produce?

I first proposed a session for THATCamp […]

7fc2aa1ceda05eb9b60a0cd5335391b6-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Git / GitHub ?, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 Sat, 04 Jan 2014 17:55:34 +0000 Thanks to Patrick for posting this. I was inspired by tweets coming out of a Thursday AHA session titled “The Digitally Informed Dissertation: New Questions, New Kinds of Research” […]

ac884c01db4d7b6f92ad0902177d7c00-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Notecards for the New Century: Best Practices for Personal Databases, on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 Sat, 04 Jan 2014 17:35:07 +0000 I’m interested in discussing this (and also just to note that it could well be combined with Ron Coleman’s proposal).

6521bba500d7477a275e9288d5b9fe83-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Managing Digital Research (Updated w/ Session Notes), on the site THATCamp AHA 2014 Sat, 04 Jan 2014 17:33:16 +0000 Thanks, I’d be interested in attending this. I’m interested in Jordan’s proposal as well.


d474cc3c19b22908e4b455423379dcbe-en footnotesrising edited a notepad Digital Historians Working Group on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) Sun, 09 Jun 2013 01:52:33 +0000 0 f7dc5363edd1c8901a4c3780f79caa9d-en footnotesrising edited a notepad Session notes on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) Sat, 08 Jun 2013 03:49:48 +0000 0 2aa580356b35281059329614efe33658-en footnotesrising edited a notepad Digital Historians Working Group on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) Sat, 08 Jun 2013 01:04:41 +0000 0 bb9adf36f46685b1f9fba4003815776e-en footnotesrising edited a notepad Changing the Scale of Things on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) Sat, 08 Jun 2013 00:52:18 +0000 0 3691b940b5427b6af49d9631f48d801b-en footnotesrising edited a notepad Changing the Scale of Things on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) Fri, 07 Jun 2013 17:48:15 +0000 0 f08b98bd3f0aed38511c7fb566ec1c3c-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Working Group for Digital Historians, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 Fri, 07 Jun 2013 03:01:24 +0000 This past week I was involved in several conversations about this need at two other conferences, “The Revolution Reborn” at the McNeil Center in Philadelphia, and then PhillyDH@Penn. The more specific topic was […]

da06c4fd7d3dbec2e8fee07e14f60a01-en Susan Garfinkel wrote a new post, Does anyone care about markup anymore; or, Towards a disruptive TEI?, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 Sat, 16 Jun 2012 04:03:12 +0000 I was struck by this terrific post on TEI by Lee Bessette at Inside Higher Ed:

Epiphany: TEI is Scholarship

and especially […]

ddc04673be00c1bcf3fb3e9b5de67ca2-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Digital Thingy-ness: Putting Materiality, Mediality, and Objects at the heart of the Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 Fri, 15 Jun 2012 00:29:23 +0000 See this also, via Steve Lubar (@lubar on Twitter):

“Aliens to Armoires: Philosophical Carpentry”

Aliens to Armoires: Philosophical Carpentry

199fae1bd118d42453c32e853bc910f7-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Digital Thingy-ness: Putting Materiality, Mediality, and Objects at the heart of the Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 23:53:00 +0000 This response could have a title: “Surrogates are Objects Too”

One of my favorite exercises when starting a workshop about how to use digitized materials in teaching or research is to hand out copies of this or […]

9e313f1f70dd49adac95da5e8b873a8f-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Mapping/Spatial tech idea session, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 Wed, 13 Jun 2012 22:38:05 +0000 abby, this is similar to what i’ve been puzzling through in my own research for awhile now. see the two thatcamp sessions i proposed in the past: […]

65fa7c29b6726c676f496076a7b91ed1-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Suggestions for someone who feels a bit intimidated...., on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 Wed, 13 Jun 2012 22:23:32 +0000 samantha, in addition to what everyone else has said, if it helps any, several of us that I know about (and no doubt some others i haven’t met yet) are dec arts/material culture/museum geeks and will have that in […]

3263fc02ff90c74204afc925c7e665da-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Digital Thingy-ness: Putting Materiality, Mediality, and Objects at the heart of the Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2012 Wed, 13 Jun 2012 21:33:52 +0000 if the digitization of things and stuff is going to lead to a new-found interest in the field of material culture study, then i’m all for it! i can offer reams of bibliography (see, for instance, […]

5e23cf56e94ad185b6a6013abc3261e1-en Susan Garfinkel wrote a new post, Visualizing Networks, on the site THATCamp American Historical Association 2012 Tue, 03 Jan 2012 23:44:31 +0000 “Communities and Networks” is the theme for this year’s AHA meeting, so let’s talk about them from a digital humanities historian’s perspective.

In my own research I keep wishing there was a way that I could […]

7161dba14660c3a27f0b1689d9d7a6e1-en Susan Garfinkel wrote a new post, Modeling People Networks for Historical-Cultural Analysis, on the site THATCamp Virginia 2010 Sat, 18 Dec 2010 05:39:31 +0000 In my historical research I keep wishing there was a way that I could easily and dynamically visualize the various layers of relationship that exist within (or across) the groups of people I’m studying. In the […]

b76285de8901f4b87f8869edcb3107b8-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Our Reading Rooms Are Empty: Digital Access to Materials in Special Collections and Archives, on the site THATCamp Virginia 2010 Sat, 18 Dec 2010 04:37:35 +0000 One of the ongoing discussions that both troubles and interests me is whether digitized library items should be provided in the form of “collections” at all. Some in the library world argue that users just want […]

e247ddd6de2648780100394ab905d36e-en Susan Garfinkel commented on the post, Building a better web by linking better, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2009 Mon, 29 Jun 2009 03:34:49 +0000 i am sincerely disappointed that this item did not make it onto the agenda.
