internetová stránka – THATCamp V humanitné a technológie Camp Sat, 29 Február 2020 13:59:13 +0000 sk hourly 1 Január 2016 THATCamp Council meeting agenda Sun, 17 Jan 2016 20:18:44 +0000

We’re currently trying to schedule a January THATCamp Council meeting: meanwhile here’s an agenda.

* Otázky webových stránok, including those raised in thread about the last Council meeting agenda at

* Status of additional documentation about such things as archived sites, Zborník THATCamp, atď.

* Planning for Council elections in spring

* Reports from various THATCamps

* Other?

Agenda items for next meeting Fri, 04 Decembra 2015 20:32:01 +0000

Had a call with a friend who attended a camp recently. brought up some really helpful comments. Brief notes from our call below.

Major website issues for THATCamp AARSBL 2015. had to move to their own server last minute to even be able to make it work –

how ok to use the name/conversations in continuity
— (micah suggestion) can we use proceedings for this?
— need a model for how that might look! (Micah – DH Lib issue?)
— can we have one site for camps at the same conference/organization over time?

So many humanities scholars that are not technically literate, so basing everything around the site is problematic.

How do we deal with third party vendors who want to repackage or build related content to THATCamps?

Server Pomalosť Fri, 30 Jan 2015 15:05:23 +0000

Hi everyone and thanks if advance for reading this.

I’m on a team organizing a THATCamp that will happen on March 21. I’ve been trying to build the website for the past week but everything is moving so slowly. I’m a little nervous about launching it because I’m afraid it will frustrate people trying to sign up.

I spoke to someone earlier this week who said people were working on this so I’m wondering if things are closer to being back to normal.


Úprava WordPress Theme Sun, 06 Jul 2014 15:00:38 +0000

Hi Amanda a všetci!
Len sa snažím upraviť niektoré aspekty svojich webových stránok WordPress THATCamp (za použitia motívu THATCamp základne), a ja som problémy napravuješ v CSS, ktoré poznám, by bolo jednoduché v HTML (a že vidím, ako upraviť pomocou Firebug len keby som mal prístup k zdrojovému kódu).

Existuje nejaký spôsob, ako na platforme THATCamp WP skutočne upraviť kód HTML? Už len som sa pozeral na to príliš dlho? Špecifický problém mám, je, že obrazy sú odôvodniť priamo na stĺpiky, napriek mojej hranie sa s HTML centrálnou textu stĺpika. To by bolo naozaj jednoduché opraviť, či by som mohol urobiť celý div vo veľkom štýle HTML =”MAXWIDTH: 100%” pretože Firebug si myslí, že tento štýl info je v HTML.

Vďaka niekto za vašu pomoc!
