Comment puis-je fermer l'enregistrement?

Maison Forums Problèmes techniques Comment puis-je fermer l'enregistrement?

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  • #5209
    Diane Cline,en

    Our THATcamp DC2014 ended 7 months ago, and all was quiet until about four weeks ago I started getting notifications about these bogus new registrations pending. I get between 5-10 a day now. The names they use to register don’t match the emails, mostly I don’t want to delete the site, but I do want to close registration. It is getting tedious to mark them as spam one by one… No idea why all of the sudden our site is getting targeted, and what would they get out of joining, anyway? Akismet has filtered 431 bogus comments, FYI. Any directions would be most appreciated.

    Amanda français
    Admin bbPress

    Désolé pour le retard dans la réponse, Diane! Blâmer les vacances. Pour clôturer les inscriptions, connecter au site et accédez à THATCamp inscriptions –> Paramètres et sélectionnez « Non » dans le menu déroulant marqué « Inscription ouverte? »

    Je ’ve gone ahead and done that for you, donc pas besoin de prendre des mesures. Je ’ll delete all the spam registrations, trop.

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