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- Ten wątek 2 odpowiedzi, 3 głosy, i była ostatnio aktualizowana już przez
Micah Vandegrift.
Styczeń 17, 2016 w 3:18 PM #5396
Amanda French
KeymasterWe’re currently trying to schedule a January THATCamp Council meeting: meanwhile here’s an agenda.
* Kwestie WWW, including those raised in thread about the last Council meeting agenda at
* Status of additional documentation about such things as archived sites, Materiały THATCamp, etc.
* Planning for Council elections in spring
* Reports from various THATCamps
* Other?
Styczeń 17, 2016 w 3:40 PM #5397John Patrick Murray-
UczestnikTo maybe add, depending on the timing: Status of THATCamp Prime:
At RRCHNM, so far no others interested in organizing a „Główny”, which reflects the identity crisis we’ve talked about. Grad students get back week of Jan 18, so will ping them again to see if there’s a group that wants to put on an RRCHNM/Prime THATCamp.
If there’s no interest, I’m not going to try to put on a THATCamp by myself. That’ll raise the identity question again: Should there be a „Główny” that sets, or at least promotes, directions? How to put it together? (Especially since the NOVA THATCamp space is getting crowded with UVA, DC, and VCU events having happened and/or in the works?)
Luty 2, 2016 w 5:09 PM #5406Micah Vandegrift
UczestnikMinutes of THATCamp Council
===========Attendees – PMJ, AF, FC, MV
#1 Kwestie WWW
including those raised in thread about the last Council meeting agenda at
Three different issues, but all have been resolved.
1- WP Plugin Memory Leak. Boone fixed.
2- Late Nov. log files filled up on server at Reclaim Hosting – Resolved.
3- New Years. Server managed by linode, DDOS attack.Site performing much better than it ever has.
Kick starter, or call for community to keep an eye on it?
—– sidebar discussion —————
THATCamp need a dedicated organizational home?
Reclaim hosted, paid for by CHNM, but not necessarily an active IT support team.
Difficult, but not impossible.CHNM treats THATCamp as a legacy project.
Ask DLF? ADHO? ADHO-ACH? Rotation between different regional communities?
Add a new role to the council? THATCamp Organizational Lead? Borrow model of DPLA state hub coordinator?
What if we as a council wrote a grant proposal for a dedicated position?
What if THATCamp doesnt need this level of ideological support?
Council can be useful for institutional memory.
We could reconceive the Council as an Advisory Board
—– end sidebar —————New camps do NOT need to use the THATCamp site.
Micah will follow up with John Crow about his questions.#2 Status of additional documentation about such things as archived sites, Materiały THATCamp, etc.
AF said she would write the documentation and hasn’t yet.
#3 Planning for Council elections in spring
Election each year in March
Anastasia rotating off, Frederic rotating off, Micah rotating off.
Can run again, but must be reelected.AF must set up a polling plugin, call for candidates, all Council members are encouraged to spread the word.
Tweet and email all THATCamp users… AF will draft announcement for THATCamp blog referencing all relevant details.Interested parties should email @">chair@ by Feb. 29th.
Voting will be held March 21-25.#4 Reports from various THATCamps
Micah attending TC FL Feb 18th
Amanda report from TC VA future
Patrick report back about concept for TC Prime— ACTION ITEMS —
Micah will email DLF to ask about interest for THATCamp organizational support
Amanda will do the same for ACH
Amanda will get the ball rolling on voting for new Council members. -
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