Laura —
Ospravedlňujeme sa nikto odpovedal skôr! Začal som sa pred niekoľkými dňami, a potom nikdy nedokončil.
Site existuje na a vy ste uvedený ako správca. Mali by ste byť schopní sa prihlásiť na spravovať tábor. If you have trouble logging in from that page, try clicking “Lost your password?”
I checked, and it’s not showing up under “My Sites” when you log in at because you used a different email address (and therefore a different account) for THATCamp AHA and THATCamp Delta College. You used a address for the former and a gmail address for the latter.
Once you’ve logged in, you can set the date for THATCamp Delta College by clicking on the Dashboard menu item “THATCamp Setup.”
Hope that helps!