Domov › Diskusné Fóra › Obchodné THATCamp Rady › September Stretnutie Agenda
Označené ako: anti-harassment, code of conduct, council, harassment, minút, politiky, súdne konanie
- Táto téma má 5 odpovedí, 3 hlasy, a bol naposledy aktualizovaný práve teraz podľa
Patrick Murray, John.
September 5, 2014 o 11:34 AM #5156
Patrick Murray, John
Účastník (Participant)St. Sedem 17 11AM cez Skype.
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Anti-Obťažovanie Policy
* jazyk
* Pri pridaní sa opýtať THATCamps ju sledovať
* hlasovanie!Riadenie
* Vydanie 2 prepustený
* Dokumentácia? domény
* presmerovanie, ale server work
Správy z THATCamps
September 17, 2014 o 2:33 Premiér #5169Micah Vandegrift
Účastník (Participant)Annnnnd the notes:
THATCamp Council Meeting 9/17/14 11:00am
Attendees: Patrik, Micah, Amanda, Frederic, Anastasia, JeffAnti-Obťažovanie Policy
Look good? Unsafe changed to “Unsafe or uninclusive.”
THATCamp Philly already utilizing
Anti-Harassment Policy passed by Council
When do we add to checklist of items for THATCamp Organizers?
Add to Registry page –
New Camps must agree to this, current planned camps will be asked to adopt it.Riadenie
Vydanie 2 released in July 1, 2014
Special issues? Focused on topics?
Micah proposed a DH Lib connection
Dokumentácia – Amanda will work on
Publicity push might generate new interest
How can Proceedings be better utilized?
Topic modeling?
Micah will reach out to DH Lib and see if there is interest in Special Issue Editorship for Curating the Proceedings. Deadline Jan 1st.
Filter through “uncategorized” category.
Patrick will ask Jon Voss about LODLAM Special Issue
Amanda suggests – aggregate and automate this domény
Ammon Shepherd – moved to Scholars Lab
Roberto Sanchez took over SysAdmin duties
We own, but redirecting weirdly.
Issues with Apache? server work ongoingSprávy z THATCamps
New one in Paris in June
Frederic will try to go to Lyon
Amanda will be at THATCamp CAA (College Art Assoc)
Patrik – THATCamp SAA (archivári) Space issues, only one room
Micah – THATCamp ACRL same space issue last yearAmanda suggested the need to think about EOL of THATCamp, a few years out.
Anastasia – might be last 1 alebo 2 THATCamp hry. Travel funding always an issue.Jeff – Do we have data about #’s over time? Attendees, Kempy, atď.
Amanda – some of that was in the Mellon reporting
Patrik – will look into what data we could getNext meeting
Nov 18th 3pm.September 17, 2014 o 3:14 Premiér #5173Amanda French
KeymasterI’ve made a page for the anti-harassment policy at and have linked to that from the THATCamp Registry form at Still musing on how best to incorporate it (and the Proceedings) into new THATCamp sites, but will figure that out soon.
September 17, 2014 o 3:20 Premiér #5174Amanda French
KeymasterI meant to mention, príliš, that I’ll publish a blog post about the new policy, i.
September 17, 2014 o 5:43 Premiér #5180Patrick Murray, John
Účastník (Participant)Vďaka, Amanda! I should have thought of that step!
September 17, 2014 o 5:50 Premiér #5181Patrick Murray, John
Účastník (Participant)As always, many thanks for the helpful and excellent notes, Micah! They do so much to keep us on track!
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