Domov › Diskusné Fóra › Technické problémy › URL, not site title is showing on main thatCamp page- change?
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- Táto téma má 12 odpovedí, 4 hlasy, a bol naposledy aktualizovaný práve teraz podľa
Kristen Lillvis.
Január 7, 2016 o 11:57 AM #5381
Lisa Haitz
Účastník (Participant)Our listing on the main page is showing as :
Cincinnati, Ohio, Spojené štátyWe would like it to be:
THATCamp University of Cincinnati 2016I changed the title in our WordPress instance, but I fear I entered it wrong when creating the site. Can this be changed?
Január 7, 2016 o 3:04 Premiér #5382Lisa Haitz
Účastník (Participant)I think maybe the site name needs to be changed in admin… anyone?
Január 8, 2016 o 3:40 AM #5384Frederick Calvert
ModerátorDear Lisa,
on your side, everything’s fine, as you suggested. The homepage is automatically generated. I suppose that there is a cache issue. I’ll see this with members of the THATCamp council.
FrédéricJanuár 8, 2016 o 11:54 AM #5386Amanda French
KeymasterHi Lisa and Frédéric,
I fixed this — it now says “THATCamp U Cincinnati 2016.” Let me know if that’s the correct title.
Technical explanation: the way we have the THATCamp site set up, it runs both WordPress Multisite and BuddyPress. Multisite is the functionality that allows everyone to have their own separate site on the domain, while BuddyPress is organized around the concept of “groups.” Boone Gorges, our developer, made it so that BuddyPress “Skupiny” are mapped onto Multisite “Sites,” and it’s the BuddyPress Group names that show up in the list on the main page. That means that editing the site title after you’ve submitted the initial THATCamp Registration page (which creates the Groups) doesn’t change what’s on the home page.
Only THATCamp network administrators (tj, the THATCamp Council) can edit Group names by going to Network Admin –> Groups.
Thanks for taking a look, Frédéric!
Táto odpoveď bola upravená práve teraz používateľom
Amanda French. Dôvod: can't embed stupid screenshot
Táto odpoveď bola upravená práve teraz používateľom
Amanda French. Dôvod: add in Boone's full name since @ doesn't work
Január 8, 2016 o 12:37 Premiér #5390Lisa Haitz
Účastník (Participant)Amanda
Thanks for your assistance! Can it be University of Cincinnati instead of U of Cincinnati ? If that’s too long , maybe abbreviate to Univ.Sorry to be a pain!!
We use WordPress Networks here as well, if you ever need another person !
Thanks again!
LisaJanuár 8, 2016 o 12:51 Premiér #5391Amanda French
KeymasterNo worries — done!
Január 8, 2016 o 1:48 Premiér #5392Lisa Haitz
Účastník (Participant)Excellent – thanks for the fast work!
December 6, 2017 o 2:02 Premiér #5586Kristen Lillvis
Účastník (Participant)I changed the THATCamp Ohio 2018 on my end to have a date of April 27, 2018, but it isn’t showing up on the THATCamp homepage. Would someone please help me update the date?
December 6, 2017 o 2:05 Premiér #5587Kristen Lillvis
Účastník (Participant)Either the cache cleared or someone fixed it. Ďakujem!
December 6, 2017 o 2:06 Premiér #5588Amanda French
KeymasterHi Kristen — áno, I cleared the cache and it updated. Have a good THATCamp!
Jún 25, 2018 o 11:02 AM #5816Kristen Lillvis
Účastník (Participant)Haló,
Potrebujem zmeniť dátum pre THATCamp Ohio 2018, and while I was able to so before, I can’t figure out how at this time (and to make the date change appear on the main THATCamp page). Our date is now Sept. 22, 2018. Pomôcť, prosím? Ďakujem!
KristenJún 25, 2018 o 11:47 AM #5817Amanda French
KeymasterHi Kristen, táto možnosť je v hlavnom paneli v THATCamp Setup. Zmenil som to pre teba, a to sa odráža na domovskej stránke. Ak stále vidíte pôvodný dátum, že by mohol byť problém caching — robiť tvrdý reload stránky a mali by ste vidieť správny dátum.
Jún 25, 2018 o 11:49 AM #5818Kristen Lillvis
Účastník (Participant)Ďakujem, Amanda!
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