ホーム › フォーラム › THATCamp協議会の事業 › Notes from 4/22 THATCamp Council meeting
4月 28, 2014 に 5:18 PM #5058
KeymasterMany heartfelt thanks to Micah Vandegrift for taking these notes at the THATCamp Council meeting on 4/22. The next meeting is scheduled for June 16th (Bloomsday!) at 3pm Eastern.
THATCamp Council Meeting 4/22/2014, 1pm
Attendees: アマンダフレンチ (椅子), パトリック·マレー·ジョン (Incoming Chair), Jeff McClurken, アナスタシアソルター, フレデリック·カルバート, ミカバンデグリフト
General introduction by Amanda
– Congrats and thank yous.
– two things council goals: 1) moderate forums/social media, 2) everything else (Revising Charter, 手続き, ドキュメンテーション, misc projects), 3) community support email address.Going over the logistics of the Council
アマンダ – get us all access to email/twitter, privileges to moderate the Forums.
*Council will monitor the Twitter/hashtag, respond as we can.Picking a Chair (to assume chairship after this meeting)
– Patrick Murray-John nominated and voted in.Allocating responsibilities (forum moderation, Twitterアカウント, 等)
@ thatcamp.ORG">インフォ@ thatcamp.ORG – email address will forward to Patrick as well as to CHNM sysadmin
Amanda will make sure logistics work out
ミカ: Do we try to attend THATCamps in our regional area?
Generally we are encouraged to attempt to attend when we can. — see the Council Charter http://thatcamp.org/council 下 “協議会の責務”Agreeing on how often to meet
Probably try to meet more regularly in busy seasons (mid-Fall semester, mid-Spring semester)Making revisions to the Charter
adding a method to remove a Chair
“でもTHATCamp評議会メンバーが応答しなくまたは怠慢議長の除去を提案する会議を招集することができます. 現在の議長はタイムリーにその会議に招待されなければならない. 招集評議会のメンバーは、その会議の議長代理となると、少なくとも1週間、事前に公に議長の除去を提案する根拠と会議の議題を投稿する必要があり. Five Council member votes in favor are required at the convened meeting in order to remove a Chair.”
language proposed and voted in by the Council. Will announce to the community. If there are comments/issue with this language, it will be added to the next agenda.removing the section on first election procedures
Jeff will serve 1 year term; allowed to run again.
パトリック, Tom and Amanda will rotate off after one year.
clarifying “openness” of meetings, clarifying policies on recording meetings and posting recordings
Chair has the responsibility to “Ensure that community members who request to join a public meeting have appropriate access to the meeting”
do we record meetings? どうやって? how to share?
default will be that we do not record meetings, but Council can vote at any time to record a meeting. Voted and passed.Discussing whether to delete the THATCamp Google Map と THATCamp Google Calendar
– We decided to keep them for archival purposes, but they will not be updated as the functionality has been integrated into the THATCamp site.(new item) Fundraising
– Background – most of it was used to provide travel support thru fellowships/scholarships
– What is the role of the Council on fundraising?
– Logistically complicated when involving $$. CHNM as organization to funnel? Explored in the past, and not possible.
– Add a help page to the site encouraging home organizational support from the outset
– Amanda will work out text for a Help page and send it aroundAdopting a Code of Conduct (抗ハラスメントポリシー)
We explored how and why this is an important step to take.
CHNM forked Code4Lib’s on github
Amanda will take that text and move to GDoc
We’ll coordinate and work over the text, announce to the community and work to ratify.Agenda Item for next meeting?
– Strategic communication plan? who is responsible for responding to journalists?Scheduling next meeting
3pm EST April 16thVOTES:
1st votes were for changing charter 1) remove 1st election language and 2) add language removing chair
2nd votes on new language for resp. of chair to make sure meeting is open, i.e. has access
3rd a) remove responsibility of the Chair to record meeting, B) add option for any council member to propose recording and Council will vote.
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