Abby Mullen wrote a new post, Maker Challenge: Correspondence Network of Isaac Hull, on the site THATCamp New England 2013 right now
Lincoln Mullen and
Abby Mullen are now friends right now
annakijas1 and
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abby edited a notepad Flipping the Classroom on the site THATCamp New England 2013 right now
abby edited a notepad Flipping the Classroom on the site THATCamp New England 2013 right now
Abby Mullen wrote a new post, Micro-Details in Macroanalysis, on the site THATCamp New England 2013 right now
One of the usual drawbacks of a large-scale analysis of data is that details about the individual pieces of data are lost. We have to make the data fit into a specific mold in order to run our program, so we strip […]
Jeffrey McClurken and
Abby Mullen are now friends right now
abby edited a notepad R for Humanists Workshop on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
Amanda French and
Abby Mullen are now friends right now
abby edited a notepad The (non-textual) Future of Digital Humanities on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
abby edited a notepad Scripting for Humanists on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
Abby Mullen wrote a new post, Maker Challenge: Visualizing Promotions in the U.S. Navy, 1798-1849, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
In American naval history, officer promotions have gotten a lot of offhanded comments but little substantive analysis (one exception I just found: Waiting for Dead Men’s Shoes, by Donald Chisholm, a book I look […]
abby edited a notepad Digital Historians Working Group on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
abby edited a notepad Digital Historians Working Group on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
abby edited a notepad Changing the Scale of Things on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
Abby Mullen wrote a new post, Doing Digital History with Non-Digital Sources, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
In discussions about DH in my department, one of the concerns about DH that often surfaces is that digital history is considerably more difficult when the sources are, far from being digitized, not even in print. […]
Abby Mullen
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