Web slinger and wrangler at VCU Libraries. Project manager for VCU Libraries Web, UX evangelist and skeptical technologist. Interested in UX design and organizational strategies to build, foster and grow a culture of UX in libraries, higher ed and beyond; diversity and inclusion in libraries and technology, UX design, and fighting algorithmic bias; information architecture; intersectional feminism and social justice. California born and raised, currently living in Richmond, VA, by way of the ATL. Technologist by way of Livejournal, an MLIS and a BA in theater. I've called the South my home for 8 years. I haven't learned to care about college sports or grits for breakfast, but I have started saying "y'all" and can level a devastating "bless your heart." Other labels: musician, singer/songwriter, vegetarian, epicurean, bit of a hippie, easily excited and amused.
Ashley Brewer
active right now
Position/Job Title:Web Librarian
Organization:VCU Libraries