andrew.lee wrote a new post, Session Proposal: Moving forward with the text "Digital History and Argument", on the site THATCamp AHA 2018 right now
I realize this is a talk session but I want to discuss ways to “operationalize” (the latest buzz word in my library) this document — so some planned doing. A number of such white papers come out, but I think […]
andrew.lee commented on the post, Lightening session proposals (aka Dork Shorts), on the site THATCamp AHA 2016 right now
I can present a pedagogical project (URL above) and talk about the ups and downs of DH in Libraries.
andrew.lee wrote a new post, "Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Historians" : Ithaka Report, on the site THATCamp American Historical Association 2013 right now
This month Ithaka released this report: supporting-the-changing-research-practices-of-historians. I would be interested discussing how this report may act a springboard for winder discussions on the role of […]
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