annakijas1 edited a notepad Sample notepad on the site THATCamp Music Library Association 2015 right now
annakijas1 replied to the topic Using Paypal for registration fees in the forum Organizing a THATCamp right now
Thanks, Amanda! It may be simplest to use a Google form for registration and then follow the directions on the registration page related to uploading multiple emails so people can post and use the site. Thanks for your assistance.
annakijas1 wrote a new post, THATCamp Music Library Association 2015, on the site THATCamp Music Library Association 2015 right now
We are in the process of planning a THATCamp at the University of Denver, which will be held on March 1, 2015 following the Music Library Association’s annual meeting. This unconference is co-sponsored by the MLA […]
annakijas1 started the topic Using Paypal for registration fees in the forum Organizing a THATCamp right now
We are organizing a THATCamp in 2015 as part of our regular conference and will be charging a low registration fee. We are aware that the Paypal plugin only allows for voluntary payment, but is there any reason why we can’t embed the code from Paypal that would generate a payment button to allow people to register/pay directly into our account? We…[Read more]
annakijas1 edited a notepad Notes on Coordinating Council on the site THATCamp Leadership 2013 right now
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Abby Mullen are now friends right now
annakijas1 edited a notepad DH Values Statement Platform on the site THATCamp New England 2013 right now
annakijas1 edited a notepad DH Values Statement Platform on the site THATCamp New England 2013 right now
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Susana Sevilla Aho are now friends right now
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Kimon Keramidas are now friends right now
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Mary Isbell are now friends right now
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Alex Gil are now friends right now
annakijas1 edited a notepad Visibility/Invisibility on the site THATCamp Performing Arts 2013 right now
annakijas1 edited a notepad Visibility/Invisibility on the site THATCamp Performing Arts 2013 right now
annakijas1 edited a notepad Visibility/Invisibility on the site THATCamp Performing Arts 2013 right now
annakijas1 edited a notepad Visibility/Invisibility on the site THATCamp Performing Arts 2013 right now
annakijas1 edited a notepad Visibility/Invisibility on the site THATCamp Performing Arts 2013 right now
annakijas1 edited a notepad Working with pre-digital information on the site THATCamp Performing Arts 2013 right now
annakijas1 edited a notepad Working with old data on the site THATCamp Performing Arts 2013 right now
annakijas1 commented on the post, Session proposal: Working with old data, on the site THATCamp Performing Arts 2013 right now
Notes from this session: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s1okeHUcSrZv5gLR_4iYvJPlbBXOTlPK53-nzpYaiI0/edit?usp=sharing
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