Anna-Maria is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow (DiXiT ITN) at Huygens-KNAW and a Research Associate at King's Digital Lab. She holds a BA and an MPhil in Modern Greek Philology (University of Athens) and a MA in Digital Humanities (UCL) and she is currently completing her PhD in Modern Greek Philology at University of Ioannina (Greece). Anna-Maria's research interests, work experience and expertise intersect the changing materialities of literary culture, textual scholarship and scholarly communication with a particular focus on their related practices, politics and economics. She has collaborated with a number of Digital Humanities projects (Transcribe Bentham, DARIAH etc) and her skills include modelling, encoding and digital publication of textual materials, data architecture and ​analysis. She is a keen advocate of full Open Access and an active supporter of creative ways for knowledge exchange, transfer and collaboration that will ensure that the communication and distribution of research, knowledge and data are fair, ethical, engaging and inclusive.
Anna-Maria Sichani
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