Scott DeLugan and
Anna Pollock-Nelson are now friends right now
Daniel Bacon and
Anna Pollock-Nelson are now friends right now
Anna Pollock-Nelson edited a notepad Session Notes – Aggregating and Curating on the site THATCamp Publishing 2013 right now
Anna Pollock-Nelson edited a notepad Group notes on financial sustainability for OA publications session on the site THATCamp Publishing 2013 right now
Anna Pollock-Nelson edited a notepad links and notes to collaborative scholarly publishing initiatives on the site THATCamp Publishing 2013 right now
Anna Pollock-Nelson wrote a new post, Metadata, on the site THATCamp Publishing 2013 right now
What is good, what is bad?How do presses organize all their metadata?How can we best distribute/share metadata between libraries, aggregators, publishers?
Anna Pollock-Nelson
active right now