Beth Transue commented on the post, Applying IT Processes to Library Assessment Needs, on the site THATCamp Harrisburg 2013 right now
I won’t make it to ACLCP this time. Too many classes still! Looking forward to meeting you at THATCamp!
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Beth Transue are now friends right now
Beth Transue commented on the post, Applying IT Processes to Library Assessment Needs, on the site THATCamp Harrisburg 2013 right now
As the collection development/analysis librarian at Messiah College, this sounds very interesting. I look forward to learning more! Perhaps we can meet individually at THATCamp for more discussion as well!
Beth Transue commented on the post, Workshop Proposal: Creating a Comprehensive Public Research Library in Zotero, on the site THATCamp Harrisburg 2013 right now
We will proceed based on participant needs. If some participants want to sign up for Zotero but have not yet done so, I’ll provide that instruction. It is a short procedure so it won’t take much time from the session.
Beth Transue wrote a new post, Workshop Proposal: Creating a Comprehensive Public Research Library in Zotero, on the site THATCamp Harrisburg 2013 right now
In fall 2012, I created a massive digital library of 8,000 records related to ancient and modern discussions of the city and region of Corinth, Greece. In part a collection of references, in part a collection of […]
Beth Transue
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