Doug Boyd active right now

Doug Boyd Ph.D. serves as the Director of the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History at the University of Kentucky Libraries and is the current president of the Oral History Association. Boyd manages the Oral History in the Digital Age collaborative initiative publishing current best practices and models for collecting, curating and disseminating oral histories. Additionally, Boyd leads the team at the University of Kentucky that envisioned, designed and implemented the open source and free OHMS system, which synchronizes text with audio and video online. Recently, Boyd created the open source digital transfer tool Exactly for safely transferring born-digital archival material to an archive. Boyd is the co-editor (with Mary A. Larson) of the book Oral History and Digital Humanities: Voice, Access, and Engagement published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2014, and he is the author of the book Crawfish Bottom: Recovering a Lost Kentucky Community which was published in August 2011 by the University Press of Kentucky. He authors the blog Digital Omnium: Oral History, Archives, and Digital Technology and is the author of numerous articles pertaining to oral history, archives and digital technologies.

Twitter: @douglasaboyd
Position/Job Title:Director, Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History
Organization:University of Kentucky Libraries
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