Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Some more possible workshops/discussions, on the site THAT CAMP New England 2017 right now
I teach a variety of workshops each semester. I think ThatCamp is great fun when it involves collaboration and group learning – but I’m happy to either lead discussions or go over basic principles on some of the […]
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Summaries and other mentions, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
A list of blog posts, trip reports or other mentions of THATCamp NE 2012:
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, THATCamp NE comes to an end, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Preflight!, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, How to Propose a Session (Step by Step), on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Log in with your username and password. If this is your first THATCamp, you received them in an email. If you’ve attended before, use your existing login. If you have forgotten, in either case, use the email […]
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Database Workshop Location Change, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
The Friday afternoon database workshop has been moved from the lovely historic JNBC seminar room to the brand spanking new Digital Scholarship in the Rockefeller Library.
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Lightning Talks (Dork Shorts), on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Tell us about your project, the great tools or apps that make your life worth living or anything that you think is relevant and worth telling about. You have two minutes, one topic, and you get to use one URL No […]
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, TEI from the Ground Up, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
These are some instructions for preparing for the TEI workshop:
This TEI micro-workshop comes in two parts:
1. Introduction to TEI
This morning session will introduce the basic ideas of text encoding with […] -
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Which (DHish) Blogs, #hashtags and Podcasts do you follow?, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
I follow a set of bloggers on DH, I read Humanist, I try to catch up on Digital Library discussions, not to mention listening to the Digital Classicist, MITH and Scholars Lab, podcasts as I walk to work in the […]
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Time to Propose a Session, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Here is how THATCamp works. Other than the workshops, we don’t have anything planned—you’re the ones who do the planning. Over the next two weeks you should post your session ideas to the THATCamp NE website. Also […]
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Registration approvals have been sent out, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Please check your email for information on how to log into the site and modify your profile. Also, check the Campers page to see if you are on it!
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Registration is now Open! , on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
Please click the registration link to register for THATCamp NE 2012. We are looking forward to seeing you here.
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Registration to open on Sep. 9, on the site THATCamp New England 2012 right now
THATCamp NE registration has been pushed back to Sep. 9. But we are hoping to hear from you then!
Elli Mylonas commented on the post, Virtual Material Culture, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
Great topic – also interested in Nicola’s observation in her comment above about creating objects that are better able to serve a scholarly audience. What is necessary, and what are other material objects lacking? […]
Elli Mylonas commented on the post, From Projects to Program, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
Brown has had a digital humanities group since 1994, when it was called humanities computing. We’ve never been a real, stand alone, funded center. We started out as part of the computing organization and are now […]
Elli Mylonas commented on the post, Life and Scholarship in Plain Text, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
This is a neat session Lincoln. We are all devoted to and shaped by our editors. I’m sure that vi users don’t solve problems the same way emacs users do! And also, what about moving in plain text from one tool to […]
Elli Mylonas commented on the post, Dinghies and Ocean Liners – DH projects of different sizes, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
I saw your session, and I agree that we are circling around a similar issue. You are are investigating how projects originate and where they live, which is both organizational and […]
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Text encoding (editing, modeling, metadata, TEI, skills, tools…), on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
Can’t help but offer this – a session in which to discuss the hows and whys of text encoding using XML and TEI. The discussion can also encompass databases used for digital text.
This is primarily a practical […]
Elli Mylonas wrote a new post, Dinghies and Ocean Liners – DH projects of different sizes, on the site THATCamp New England 2011 right now
DH activity, especially when it is based on creation or manipulation of digital materials, usually takes the form of a project – whether it is a dissertation, a grant, or a digital publication. Until recently, […]
Elli Mylonas
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