I published two books: "Periféricos: Antonio Trujillo, Juan Larrea y Enrique Dussel" on the relations between these three authors and postmodernity, and "Aprenda a maleducar un cerdo en diez simples pasos", a Spanish-French bilingual drama play. Borrowing from Digital Humanities and New Media studies, my dissertation proposes a critical reappraisal of pre-1700 Iberian works, emphasizing the interplay between their ludic underpinnings and politics, aesthetics, performance, and textual signification. This dissertation forms the basis of two book-length manuscripts in progress: one on Alfonso X's emotional communities; another on medieval and digital poetics, with special emphasis on Juan Ruiz's "Libro de buen amor" and hacker ethics. I've published several articles on Medieval and Early Modern Iberian culture, as well as on contemporary Spanish and Venezuelan poetry.
Juan Escourido
active right now
Position/Job Title:Assistant Professor
Organization:East Carolina University