Frederik Elwert wrote a new post, Follow-up post, on the site THATCamp IAHR 2015 right now
The IAHR 2015 is over, and the first IAHR THATCamp took place in Erfurt. Given the huge competition of concurrent panels, there was quite a bit of interest in discussing the use of technology in the study of […]
Frederik Elwert wrote a new post, Digital text collections and computational text analysis, on the site THATCamp IAHR 2015 right now
A major branch of the much discussed so-called digital humanities is computational text analysis. This quantitative approach to the study of texts requires—preferably large—collections of digital (or: digitized) […]
Frederik Elwert wrote a new post, THATCamp at the IAHR conference 2015, on the site THATCamp IAHR 2015 right now
From August 23–29 2015, the conference of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) will take place in Erfurt, Germany. As part of this conference, a THATCamp is planned. It will take place […]
Frederik Elwert
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