Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, Practical info, on the site THATCamp ASEH 2016 right now
Dear friends – the ASEH 2016 THATCamp is less than two weeks away, and I would like to encourage you all to begin brainstorming some session topics for the THATCamp.
We will be a relatively small group, so I […]
Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, Register for THATCamp #ENVHIST at ASEH 2016, on the site THATCamp ASEH 2016 right now
Immediately before the 2016 ASEH meeting in Seattle, we will have a small and informal THATCamp focused on environmental history. THATCamp, The Humanities And Technology Camp, is a free, open, interdisciplinary […]
Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, THATCamp SHOT is almost here!, on the site THATCamp SHOT 2014 right now
THATCamp SHOT is nearly upon us, so here are some final instructions for you all. At present we are about 30 registered participants, which we believe will be a nice group.
The THATCamp will take place in the […]
Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, Session proposal: SHOT online presence hackathon, on the site THATCamp SHOT 2014 right now
This is a proposal for a Make session to give SHOT’s online presence a small but helpful boost. Over the session, we would improve SHOT’s Wikipedia page (which used to be very sad but has recently been updated to […]
Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, Session proposal: Teaching with Wordpress, on the site THATCamp SHOT 2014 right now
I’d be happy to offer to lead a session on how to teach history of technology (or other topics) using Wordpress as a learning platform. I have gotten increasingly frustrated with my university’s LMS Cambro (based […]
Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, Propose sessions for THATCamp SHOT, on the site THATCamp SHOT 2014 right now
It’s now less than a month left before THATCamp SHOT starts, so it’s about time to start proposing sessions. As you may now (and as you can read more about in the THATCamp guide to proposals) we set the schedule […]
Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, Registration for THATCamp SHOT is now open!, on the site THATCamp SHOT 2014 right now
THATCamp SHOT 2014 is just over two months away and we are now ready for registration.
THATCamp, The Humanities And Technology Camp, is a free, open, interdisciplinary “unconference” where humanists and […]
Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, THATCamp un-roundtable at SHOT!, on the site THATCamp SHOT 2014 right now
While we hope that many SHOT conference participants will come to the THATCamp, many more will not. In order to share some of what we will do at the THATCamp, Finn Arne Jørgensen proposed an untraditional session […]
Brian Frehner and
Finn Arne Jørgensen are now friends right now
Finn Arne Jørgensen edited a notepad Sample notepad on the site THATCamp Boise State 2013 right now
Finn Arne Jørgensen and
Jesse Stommel are now friends right now
Finn Arne Jørgensen and
Amanda French are now friends right now
Finn Arne Jørgensen and
Patrick Murray-John are now friends right now
Finn Arne Jørgensen and
Tom Scheinfeldt are now friends right now
Finn Arne Jørgensen and
Dan Cohen are now friends right now
Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, THATCamp on flickr, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2008 right now
Hi all,
I started a THATCamp set on flickr – so far it only has one picture, but I’m sure it will grow.
If any of you upload pictures to your own accounts, please use the “thatcamp” tag.
Finn Arne Jørgensen wrote a new post, International infrastructures for digital history?, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2008 right now
I want to think a bit broader about digital history and the wider historical community, particularly in an international setting. In the US, digital history has definitely gained momentum, whereas in for instance […]
Finn Arne Jørgensen commented on the post, 2 Ideas, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2008 right now
These are both great ideas for one or more sessions on starting, managing, and sustaining digital humanities projects (or research projects in general). I wonder how digital history projects differ from “ordinary” […]
Finn Arne Jørgensen
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