Heather Martin wrote a new post, Storify of THATCamp Alabama, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
Heather Martin wrote a new post, Thank you, THATCamp Alabama sponsors!, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
Funding for THATCamp Alabama 2014 was provided by UAB College of Arts and Sciences, UAB Office of the Vice Provost for Student and Faculty Success, and UAB Libraries. Thank you to Auburn University Libraries for […]
Heather Martin wrote a new post, Evaluate THATCamp Alabama 2014, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
Thanks to all our campers for making this a great THATCamp Alabama!
Please complete our brief THATCamp evaluation form and let us know your thoughts about THATCamp Alabama 2014.
All THATCamp evaluations are […]
Heather Martin wrote a new post, Session location changes for 3:55 slot on Friday, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
The Train Your Data session is in CTL. Using Images for Classes is in Sterne Library. We apologize for late notice. We’ll be more stable tomorrow.
Heather Martin wrote a new post, Let's crowdsource our session notes, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
We have a Public THATCampAL folder on Google Drive. Feel free to add notes from the sessions you attend.
Heather Martin wrote a new post, It's THATCamp Alabama Day!, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
Safe travels to everyone as you make your way to THATCamp Alabama!
Here are a few reminders:
Stay tuned to our website and @THATCampAL on Twitter for updates throughout today and tomorrow.
If you’re […] -
Heather Martin commented on the post, Accessibility and the Digital Humanities, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
No Cards Against Digital Humanities?
Heather Martin wrote a new post, Campus Collaborations in Digital Humanities (Talk Session), on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
Campus Collaborations in Digital Humanities (Talk Session)
Faculty have been using technology in humanities teaching and scholarship long before the “digital humanities” became ubiquitous. However, at many […]
Chris Minnix and
Heather Martin are now friends right now
genac and
Heather Martin are now friends right now
Heather Martin wrote a new post, Registration is open for THATCamp Alabama 2014!, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2014 right now
Registration is open for THATCamp Alabama 2014, scheduled for September 5-6 at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Head over to our Register page to sign up. The event is free, but space is limited.
Heather Martin replied to the topic Microsoft Research grants in the forum Organizing a THATCamp right now
Heather Martin changed their profile picture right now
Heather Martin started the topic Microsoft Research grants in the forum Organizing a THATCamp right now
Are the Microsoft Research grants still available for THATCamps? If so, how do we apply for one? I’m coordinating the organizing committee for the second THATCamp Alabama in September.
Jenny Korn and
Heather Martin are now friends right now
Heather Martin commented on the post, Build It and Will They Come?, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
Notes from the combined sessions “Build It and Will They Come?” and “Building Local Collaborations” are available in a Google doc at http://bit.ly/19oB9gS.
Heather Martin commented on the post, Building Local Collaborations , on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
Notes from the combined sessions “Build It and Will They Come?” and “Building Local Collaborations” are available in a Google doc at http://bit.ly/19oB9gS
Heather Martin wrote a new post, Notes for Building Programs/Local Collaborations, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
My notes from the combined session based on proposals from Kathleen Lowe (Build It and Will They Come) and Franky Abbott (Building Local Collaborations) are in the Google doc Building Programs and Local […]
Heather Martin commented on the post, Guilty pleasures . . . for THATCamp!, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
Yay! Ravelry! I’ve been knitting for about a year, and I love this site. The personal Ravelry notebook is one great feature. I just might bring my current project for my first “knit in public.”
Heather Martin wrote a new post, Developing subject-based online communities for students in higher education, on the site THATCamp Alabama 2013 right now
I’m interested in developing online spaces for student learning and collaboration throughout their university careers. I’m imagining an interactive space that students can access as needed to supplement research […]
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Heather Martin
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