John Crow replied to the topic Agenda items for next meeting in the forum THATCamp Council business right now
I was the person that Micah spoke to so I can clarify some of the things he said, especially since it seems he was not at the 12/7 meeting in which his notes were discussed.First the server issues. We understand that this time there was a log issue that prevented site access. But this is not the first time server issues have seriously…[Read more]
John Crow wrote a new post, THATCamp AAR/SBL Website, on the site THATCamp AAR/SBL 2015 right now
Due to numerous technical errors on THATCamp.org just before the THATCamp event on Nov 20, 2015, we created a new website to collaborate, post announcements, session proposals, and update everyone on changes […]
John Crow wrote a new post, Please Use the #thatcampaarsbl Hashtag, on the site THATCamp AAR/SBL 2015 right now
This is our third year of THATCamp at the AAR & SBL conferences. In 2013 and 2014, the participants of THATCamp were predominantly from the AAR side of the conference as were the organizers. However, with THATCamp […]
John Crow wrote a new post, De Gruyter – THATCamp 2015 AAR/SBL Sponsor, on the site THATCamp AAR/SBL 2015 right now
De Gruyter has been sponsoring THATCamp AAR since its very first year. We are proud to be working with scholars of DH and religion on several new projects, including our forthcoming series, “Introductions to […]
John Crow wrote a new post, Proposing Sessions at THATCamp AAR/SBL 2015, on the site THATCamp AAR/SBL 2015 right now
With THATCampAAR/SBL 2015 quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about the conversations you want to have and the problems you want to work on.
If you look at the schedule for the day, you will notice […] -
John Crow wrote a new post, THATCamp & Religious Studies at the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, on the site THATCamp AAR/SBL 2015 right now
The advent of digital technology and social media has not only transformed how today religious communities function, they have also changed how scholars teach about and conduct research on religion more broadly. […]
John Crow wrote a new post, After THATCamp is the Afterparty, on the site THATCamp AAR 2014 right now
Please join fellow campers for drinks and dinner at 5:15 at Fairweather/Rare Form. Continue the conversation or start new ones. Join us for a drink even if you’ve got dinner plans!
Fairweather is an rooftop bar […]
John Crow and
Chris Cantwell are now friends right now
jlcrow edited a notepad TEI/SML Notepad on the site THATCamp American Academy of Religion 2013 right now
John Crow wrote a new post, Official THATCamp AAR/SBL Website, on the site THATCamp AAR/SBL 2016 right now
Hello. Thank you for stopping by the THATCamp.org website for the upcoming THATCamp scheduled for November 18, 2016 in San Antonio, Texas, taking place at the Annual Conferences of the American Academy of Religion […]
John Crow
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