Jessica Parr commented on the post, Picking Each Others' Brains: Teaching Tips, Tools, and Techniques, on the site THAT CAMP New England 2017 right now
Thank you!
Jessica Parr commented on the post, Getting Started with Open Digital Collections, on the site THAT CAMP New England 2017 right now
Terrific. Thank you!
Jessica Parr commented on the post, Intro to TagTeam, on the site THAT CAMP New England 2017 right now
Excellent. Thank you for your proposal!
Jessica Parr wrote a new post, Let's Get Proposing!, on the site THAT CAMP New England 2017 right now
THATCamp New England 2017 is nearly at capacity. We have fewer than 10 spots left. We are very excited to see a great diversity of campers, including a number of you with fantastic skill sets. The full agenda will […]
Jessica Parr replied to the topic Editing Registration Page? in the forum Technical issues right now
Thank you so much, Amanda.
Jessica Parr started the topic Editing Registration Page? in the forum Technical issues right now
I am co-organizing the THATCamp New England 2017. We’re just about ready to start taking reservations. Unfortunately, we’re not in a position to offer t-shirts or host children. We’ve managed to make this Camp free of charge, and provide breakfast and coffee, in part because my co-organizer’s institution has been very generous. They’re not insured…[Read more]
Jessica Parr wrote a new post, THATCamp New England 2017, on the site THAT CAMP New England 2017 right now
NOTE: We are currently at capacity, but will maintain a wait list up to a week before THATCamp. If a spot opens up, we will notify the person at the top of the wait list.
THATCamp New England 2017 will be held […]
Jessica Parr
active right now