jrosinbum wrote a new post, Digital Accessibility Resources PowerPoint, on the site THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 right now
Stephanie Robbins gave a fantastic presentation on Digital Accessibility Resources at THATCamp AHA Denver 2017. You can find a link to her PowerPoint below and a list of resources under the digital accessibility […]
jrosinbum wrote a new post, THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 Misc Links, on the site THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 right now
Hi all, below is a link to a collection of interesting sites and information used at THAT Camp AHA Denver 2017. Enjoy!
jrosinbum wrote a new post, Open Source Resources, on the site THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 right now
Below you’ll find a link to a document created by members of THAT Camp AHA 2017 on open-source resources.
jrosinbum wrote a new post, Talk and then Make: Teaching with Big Data, on the site THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 right now
This session will ask participants to engage with the concept of big data and how we can help our students better grasp the enormity of the data behind many of the projects/apps/websites they interface with every […]
jrosinbum wrote a new post, Preplanned Sessions, on the site THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 right now
Twelve days until THATCamp AHA Denver 2017! As we gear up for the (un)conference, the schedule is starting to take shape. While there will be plenty of space for nominated presentations (propose!), there are two […]
jrosinbum wrote a new post, Registration Reaching Cap, on the site THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 right now
While we would love to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend, due to space concerns registration will be capped at 100. As of December 22, current registration sits at 73. Register today to reserve your spot!
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