Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Where We All Ended Up, on the site THATCamp Retrospective right now
I don’t know if I can say what impact THATCamp had on (checks notes) Comparative Literature, but I do know, personally, what impact it had on my teaching and my career. A decade ago, I was a contingent faculty […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Link to Various Google Docs, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2014 right now
The Free Collaborative Tools Doc
The Maker Brainstorming Doc
The App for Teaching and Learning Doc -
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, All The Twitter Handles!, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2014 right now
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Planning Document, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2014 right now
Please feel free to comment on our planning document we did today, even if you weren’t here.
See everyone tomorrow!
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Live Twitter Archive!, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2014 right now
Here is the link to the live Twitter archive for the next three days. Remember to tweet freely using the #THATCampKY hashtag.
Lee Skallerup Bessette joined the group
THATCamp Kentucky 2014 right now
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Welcome to THATCamp Kentucky, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2014 right now
This year, THATCamp Kentucky will be taking place from May 28-30th, once again on the lovely University of Kentucky campus.
Please, spread the word, and hope to see you at the end of May!
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, My Visualization Project, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2013 right now
As I promised yesterday, here is the blog post I wrote about my comparisons of the two versions of “Chronique de la derive douce”. Apparently, in the two subsequent months, I have completely forgotten how to […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Thank You Everyone!, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2013 right now
Thanks again everyone for a great THATCamp Kentucky. I hope that you stay in touch and look for another one happening within the next year.
As promised, here is the Twitter archive, in which you can find a lot […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Online Teaching/Digital Pedagogy, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2013 right now
From Fran:
I am looking forward to learning ways to guide on-line students to create stronger short projects which incorporate the plethora of digitized research library materials (yes, they include you tube […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Fine Arts and Tech, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2013 right now
From Tim Connor:
I would like to explore the arts connection with technology more. With the advent of computer programs for composing music, and with the abiltity to hear the “correct” chords through the […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Tech and Authentic Learning, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2013 right now
From Tim Connor:
I have another topic I’d like to discuss related to learning in authentic ways. How can various technological media promote student understanding that the learning they have from period to […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Geospacially-Oriented Apps, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2013 right now
From Rick Mott:
I am interested in hearing what types of apps (android or iOS) people have proposed/conceived that would help students learn the humanities. I am working on two iOS app proposals: one connects […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, It's Almost Time!, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2013 right now
The clock is ticking down on the dates for THATCamp Kentucky. I have updated the “While in Lexington” page, as well as added a “Schedule” page.
When you registered for THATCamp Kentucky, you received a […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette wrote a new post, Welcome To THATCamp Kentucky!, on the site THATCamp Kentucky 2013 right now
We are pleased to announce that on June 1-2, 2013, we will be having the first ever THATCamp in the state of Kentucky! It will be taking place in the William T. Young Library on the University of Kentucky campus. […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette commented on the post, Random session thoughts, and room-share offer, on the site THATCamp Southeast 2011 right now
How about a dictionary explaining what you just said in your first paragraph (says the DH newbie). I’d like some basic coding (what is it, what can it do, why we should be doing it), some stuff on digital […]
Lee Skallerup Bessette
active right now