mauraives and
Sarah Potvin are now friends right now
mauraives wrote a new post, And now, a word about our sponsors . . . , on the site THATCamp DHCollaborate right now
THATCamp DH Collaborate is happening because of our sponsors at Texas A&M University, including: Texas A&M University Libraries, the IDHMC (Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media and Culture), and the […]
mauraives wrote a new post, Registration is open!, on the site THATCamp DHCollaborate right now
Registration for THATCamp DH Collaborate is now open! We will continue to accept applications through March 31, but please register early: space is limited!
–Maura and Kathy
mauraives wrote a new post, We've changed the dates!, on the site THATCamp DHCollaborate right now
Our THATCamp is taking place on May 16-17, 2014. We plan to have a half-day boot camp on Friday, with the usual THATCamp sessions on Saturday. Possible topics for boot camp thus far includes TEI and/or XSLT […]
Katherine Hart Weimer and
mauraives are now friends right now
mauraives wrote a new post, Mark your calendars . . ., on the site THATCamp DHCollaborate right now
. . . because February 21-22, 2014 are the dates for THATCamp DHCollaborate! Our camp will take place on the Texas A&M University campus, with most activities held in Evans Library and in the Liberal Arts and […]
mauraives wrote a new post, Hello world! Announcing THATCamp DHCollaborate, on the site THATCamp DHCollaborate right now
There’s a new THATCamp being planned! THATCamp DHCollaborate will bring together DH practitioners from libraries and educational institutions in Texas (and beyond) for the purpose of sharing knowledge and […]
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