Michael T. Barry Jr. is a doctoral student in history at the University of Florida. He studies modern Muslim and African American history, specifically intellectual history, Malcolm X, the Nation of Islam, and popular culture. He earned his Bachelor’s in History and Africana Studies from the College of the Holy Cross in 2014 and his Master’s in American and Middle Eastern History from Providence College in 2016. Michael has worked on multiple documentary film and videography projects including works for acclaimed artists Karen Turner, Shirish Korde, and Ibram X. Kendi. He has also worked in a professional capacity with the National Football League, the New England Patriots, the Buffalo Bills, Providence College, the College of the Holy Cross, and Providence Pictures. Michael has directed and produced two of his own documentary films: Sincerity: From X to El-Shabazz (2014) and The Universal Soldier: Vietnam (2016). His films have screened at festivals across the country and won numerous awards including the Carter G. Woodson Award (2014) and the Best Feature Award at the 2016 Nyack Film Festival. He has also contributed writings to outlets like Truthout, Black Perspectives, and the Gainesville Sun. Follow him on Twitter @MTBarryJR.
Michael T. Barry Jr.
active right now
Position/Job Title:Doctoral Student/Filmmaker
Organization:The University of Florida