Michelle Dalmau wrote a new post, Links to Notes, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
Please post your notes or add them to the following community documents:
Cross-Training Librarians
Data Management / Digital Preservation for DH
DH Partnerships Across Campus
DH Services & Libraries
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Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, Libraries as providers of DH data sources, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
Sounds like there’s also potential overlap with Sarah’s proposal too: http://dhlib2013.thatcamp.org/2013/10/20/650-x-computer-network-resources-discussion-of-dh-and-discoverability/. I think this will make for a […]
Michelle Dalmau wrote a new post, Thursday's THATCamp Schedule, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
Hello campers!
Below is an outline of tomorrow’s (Thursday, 11/7) THATCamp schedule (bit.ly/1dOkuSz), which will be completed as part of our proposal voting process:
8:15-9:15: Registration, Breakfast […]
Katherine Hart Weimer and
Michelle Dalmau are now friends right now
Michelle Dalmau wrote a new post, Don't Forget to Follow on Twitter: @dhlibthatcamp, #thatcamp, #dhlib2013, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
The Digital Humanities & Libraries THATCamp event has a twitter handle: https://twitter.com/dhlibthatcamp. Follow us and re-tweet like mad. We need more followers and session proposals (or comments on existing […]
Michelle Dalmau wrote a new post, Using Neatline w/Omeka or other Open-Source Geospatial/Temporal Tools?, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
Let’s meet up, demo our projects, and share secrets. Ultimately we are interested in providing baseline workflows and best practices for geospatial discovery layers for our core digital library collections that […]
Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, A Newby, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
Will you be attending THATCamp? I can’t tell from your post. I am co-editor of the Victorian Women Writers Project (http://dlib.indiana.edu/collections/vwwp/) so we should chat if you will be attending DLF and/or THATCamp.
Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, Reskilling liaison (and other) librarians , on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
IU is gearing up a similar initiative modeled after Columbia’s Developing Librarian Project. We have a public wiki space tracking our progress (or lack thereof) and soon, our triumphs: . +1 for this session.
Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, It's awn! Introducing THATCamp Historic Places, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
+2 for sure. Major existential crisis (for me) at IU with the new Office of Scholarly Publishing and Scholars’ Commons (two related, but different library initiatives). I have been thinking about this a lot.
Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, Talk Session: Data Management Planning for Digital Humanists, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
Yes! I would also like to factor the DH Curation Guide (and related workshops) into this discussion.
Michelle Dalmau wrote a new post, Follow DH & Libraries THATCamp on Twitter, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities & Libraries 2013 right now
The Digital Humanities & Libraries THATCamp event, as part of the Digital Library Federation Forum post-conference activities, now has a twitter handle: https://twitter.com/dhlibthatcamp. Follow us and re-tweet […]
Michelle Dalmau wrote a new post, Notes: Libraries & Publishing, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, Libraries and Publishing, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, Geospatial "stuff" and DH, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
I am interested in this topic — working with faculty members on Neatline/GeoServer options, Google Fusion and/or Exhibit. But it’s up against the DH commons session. Decisions, decisions.
Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, Plan a dh+lib series, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
Could I crowdsource my overdue dh + lib blog post as part of the session? Only needs firming up in a couple of sections, and it fits the theme.
Michelle Dalmau wrote a new post, Unleashing TEI and Plain Text Data for Textual Analysis, Visualization and Mining, or, Let's Play with E-Text Data and Tools, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
Motivated by a recent mock keynote debate, “A Matter of Scale,” presented by Matt Jockers and Julia Flanders as part of the Boston Area Days of Digital Humanities Conference, and the imperative that librarians […]
Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, Registration!, on the site THATCamp ACRL 2013 right now
Thought I saw a tweet from Micah that ACRL conference registration was not a pre-req for THATCamp participation. Could someone clarify?
Michelle Dalmau commented on the post, Please evaluate THATCamp DH and Libraries, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities and Libraries 2012 right now
Survey link still not working … We may want to ping the participants again once the survey is accessible.
Michelle Dalmau wrote a new post, Session Notes for Building Sustainable DH Projects, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities and Libraries 2012 right now
My public notes from today’s session: http://tinyurl.com/cjyfvyu. It’s hopeless. Snack time!
Michelle Dalmau wrote a new post, Session on "Re-Skilling" Librarians, on the site THATCamp Digital Humanities and Libraries 2012 right now
My notes on this session: http://tinyurl.com/bym3m4e I’d like to explore grant-funding options for building a digital research curriculum for our library staff and librarians. Comment here if you too are interested.
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Michelle Dalmau
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