Megan Faragher wrote a new post, Rescheduled, on the site THATCamp @ The Lake 2016 right now
We are rescheduling THATCamp for sometime in Fall 2016. Please check back soon for more information.
Thank you for your interest. -
Megan Faragher wrote a new post, Register today!, on the site THATCamp @ The Lake 2016 right now
Make sure you register for THATCamp! Registration is open.
Registering now will guarantee your spot for lunches during the event.
For those who have already registered – look forward to an email soon!
Megan Faragher wrote a new post, PROPOSAL: Mapping the Humanities: Intro DH Assignments, on the site THATCamp @ The Lake 2016 right now
For a few years now, I’ve been invested in trying to make digital literacy one of the goals of a humanities education. DH approaches not only give students more familiarity with basic web tools, but students use […]
Megan Faragher replied to the topic Cannot access my ThatCamp in the forum Technical issues right now
Megan Faragher started the topic Cannot access my ThatCamp in the forum Technical issues right now
I’m the head of the Lake Campus 2016 ThatCamp. I set up my website some time ago, and I set it up through my account (mfaragher), but I am unable to log into the wpadmin for lake2016.thatcamp.org through that login.
Is there a way to access the camp that I registered?
Megan Faragher
active right now