Tad Suiter wrote a new post, Proposal: What Counts as #DH, and Making #DH Count, on the site THAT CAMP New England 2017 right now
For more experienced Campers, this topic is well-worn, I know. It’s a discussion I’ve had at every THATCamp I’ve attended. But it’s one that never fails to get me to think. I think it’s evergreen.
Basically, a […]
Tad Suiter wrote a new post, Book House: DH Publishing as Living Space, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
As part of the Powerpoint Unhinged challenge, Matt Gold, Zach Coble and myself have put together a presentation/performance based on a title by Matt Gold.
We’ll see how it goes.
Tad Suiter edited a notepad Advocating Outreaching Shocking and Aweing on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
Tad Suiter and
Trevor Owens are now friends right now
Tad Suiter edited a notepad Changing the Scale of Things on the site THATCamp Center for History and New Media 2013 (aka THATCamp Prime) right now
Jeffrey McClurken and
Tad Suiter are now friends right now
Greta Suiter and
Tad Suiter are now friends right now
David McKenzie and
Tad Suiter are now friends right now
Tad Suiter and
Sheila Brennan are now friends right now
Tad Suiter and
Mark Sample are now friends right now
Kelly Schrum and
Tad Suiter are now friends right now
Tad Suiter and
John Glover are now friends right now
Tom Scheinfeldt and
Tad Suiter are now friends right now
ppowers and
Tad Suiter are now friends right now
Tad Suiter commented on the post, Distant, Close, Big, Small: Rethinking the Scale of Things, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
This is something that comes up a lot for Archives and digitizing images. Researchers and even casual users WANT that ability to zoom, zoom, zoom. History aficionados LOVE Shorpy’s– even though it’s […]
Tad Suiter commented on the post, Synchronicity 1 (PowerPoint Unhinged), on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
Anyone wanna do this together? I have a couple fun ideas. DM me on Twitter!!!
Tad Suiter commented on the post, Tools and Tactics for Advocacy and Outreach, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
John– I think that merging them might be a really great idea, actually– some of my favorite THATCamp sessions have been merged ones, because it tends to bring in multiple people with different points of view and […]
Tad Suiter commented on the post, Teaching Digital History, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
Some people interested in this session may be interested in the DH Syllabi Zotero Group I set up a few years ago. Please join, and add anything you don’t see in the list!
Tad Suiter wrote a new post, Tools and Tactics for Advocacy and Outreach, on the site THATCamp CHNM 2013 right now
N.B.: I began this post before seeing John Glover‘s Shock and Awe proposal. These could easily be combined.
For those lucky enough to have jobs that directly relate to the Digital Humanities, whether you’re […]
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Tad Suiter
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