Seth Denbo wrote a new post, Talk session – Scholarly Societies and DH, on the site THATCamp AHA-MLA right now
What should scholarly societies be doing to help embed digital scholarship in our disciplines? MLA and AHA, along with other societies, have been active in creating guidelines for digital scholarship related to […]
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, THATCamp AHA-MLA is tomorrow!, on the site THATCamp AHA-MLA right now
Happy new year everyone. We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the Institute for the Humanities bright and early tomorrow.
As always, the program is up to you, so it’s time to start proposing sessions. […]
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, THATCamp AHA-MLA Time and Place, on the site THATCamp AHA-MLA right now
I can’t believe it’s on us already, but I hope everyone is getting excited for THATCamp in a few days.
We will be hosted by the Institute for the Humanities at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Registration […]
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, Registration is now open!, on the site THATCamp AHA-MLA right now
Over the years, THATCamps have been a place where humanities scholars learn about and exchange ideas for how to use technology for research and in the classroom. Projects have been conceived, connections made […]
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, Whither THATCamp AHA?, on the site THATCamp AHA 2018 right now
The first THATCamp AHA was in Chicago in 2012, and it has been a valuable addition to the conference ever since, but is it something we should continue doing in the future, or are there other better ways to spend […]
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, Open Educational Resources for History, on the site THATCamp AHA 2018 right now
The American Yawp collaboratively edited textbook has been around for a few years now, and Chicago University Press has recently announced the publication of a free history textbook (although it’s not strictly […]
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, (Digital) Historians and the "New Normal", on the site THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 right now
Over the past year we’ve all heard the call (often on social media) to avoid complacency in the current political environment. Whether one agrees that the foundations of our democracy and the freedoms it p […]
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, Registration is open!, on the site THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 right now
Registration for THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 is now open!
THATCamp will be held on January 4th at University of Colorado Denver. It’s a great opportunity to talk and learn about the of technology in historical […]
Irene Meisel and
Seth Denbo are now friends right now
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, Announcing the first ever joint AHA/MLA THATCamp, on the site THATCamp AHA-MLA right now
We are very excited to announce the first THATCamp that will be jointly held by MLA and AHA to coincide with annual meetings occurring simultaneously in Chicago. Generously hosted by the Institute for the […]
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, Announcing THATCamp AHA 2018, on the site THATCamp AHA 2018 right now
We are very happy to announce that the AHA will be holding THATCamp this year in partnership with the history department at George Washington University. It will be held on January 3rd, 2018 on the GW campus […]
Seth Denbo wrote a new post, Announcing THATCamp AHA Denver 2017, on the site THATCamp AHA Denver 2017 right now
We’re very pleased to announce the seventh annual THATCamp AHA. Starting in Chicago in 2012 we have had a THATCamp at our annual meeting every year, and this year is no different. This edition will be held o […]
Seth Denbo
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